Dátove zdroje- mapové kompozice a dopravní dostupnost
The Set of specialized Maps: “The Rate of Accessible Municipalities in NUTS3 Regions of the Czech Republic“
Popis anglicky: The set of specialized maps with professional content was created as a result of the project CZ.1.04/2.2.00/11.00023. This set consists of 65 maps showing the rate of accessible municipalities of the Czech Republic for commuting within Regions for given hours. The rate was calculated for arriving at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 14:00 and 22:00. The maps were created separately for all 13 regions (Prague was merged with the Central Bohemia Region). The rate of accessible municipalities is defined as the number of municipalities, from where you can commute to work, per the total number of municipalities within 150 kms (Euclidean distance). This indicator defines the percentage of municipalities where a commuter can travel to work on selected beginnings of time shifts. This rate is calculated for all municipalities in the Czech Republic. The set of maps is primarily intended for specialists at the Labour Offices and at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, which deal with analyzing and monitoring the labor market.
Start year
End year
Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Smluvní výzkum
Smluvní výzkum