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Dopravní dostupnost, její změny a mobilita seniorů
One of the goals of the project is the implementation of graph theory methods on pedestrian, road and public transport networks. This relatively new method of studying networks further expands knowledge about a given network [1] and comes up with new information at all levels of view of a given network. The main indicators examined will be centrality measures [2] (centrality measured by the center intermediate position, centrality from the eccentricity of the node, centrality measured by the proximity of the center and centrality from the eigenvalue vector). Centrality indicators can be used to identify critical points in a given network. Individual networks will be further characterized using a set of global indicators, compared with theoretical network models and further visualized using specialized visualization methods for centralities [3]. Following the study of networks, accessibility in the urban environment will be modeled. The study of networks and availability also includes their modifications with regard to specific groups of their users. Special attention will be paid to seniors and people with physical or sensory disabilities. The mobility of these people is affected by a number of factors (psyche, health, cognitivity and personality factors). Therefore, the study of these groups of people is quite specific and it is important to perceive the relationship between the modeled transport accessibility and the perceived transport accessibility. An important factor of the study is the modeling of barriers and accessibility. Suitable methods are structural modeling, multidimensional statistical methods and machine learning [4]. Barriers affecting the movement of seniors themselves, as well as access to individual modes of public transport, as well as the effects of changes in transport routes and changes in accessibility for barrier-free movement in the urban environment will be examined. The current situation also offers a comparison of the availability constraints associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Network processing will take place using several programs, especially PostgreSQL, QGIS, ArcGIS Pro, Gephi and Neo4j. Geoinformatics students who have access to possible licenses for these programs are participating in the project. The responsible solver of the project is Ing. Ondřej Kolodziej, who deals with the issue of network analysis and is directly related to the project. The topic of his DiP is spatial analysis of public transport networks. The thesis follows up on his DP Analysis of the Public Transport Network in Selected World Cities, where he got acquainted with the work in the above-mentioned programs and in his work described the applicability of graph theory and social networks to identify critical places in public transport. He is also currently working on the GAČR Accessibility Modeling for Seniors project, accessibility perceptions and determinants of their spatial mobility and TAČR Sensor Measurement of Pedestrian Roads in the Urban Environment to Support the Mobility of People with Disabilities, where he further tests and works on modeling and managing transport networks. The topic of DiP Ing. Katarína Paulíková is the mobility of seniors and the differences between its perception and modeled evaluation of accessibility. The work is focused on the mobility of seniors and 7 areas of mobility defined by Webber et al. [5] and related neighborhood and mobility research within the seat or its immediate surroundings. DiP research is part of the GAČR project Modeling of accessibility for seniors, perception of accessibility and determinants of their spatial mobility, where it focuses on the perception of spatial mobility of people, its mapping and appropriate quantification in the GIS environment and corresponding spatial analysis, including pedestrian and individual or public transport, and the importance of spatial mobility in the lives of seniors. It is also involved in the TAČR project Sensor measurement of pedestrian roads in the urban environment to support the mobility of people with disabilities. The supervisor of both doctoral students is doc. Dr. Ing. Jiří Horák, who has long been dealing with spatial analyzes of transport accessibility (monographs, sustainability, geoscape). Bc. Natálie Malíková will be involved in the project in spatial analysis and creation of map data. Ing. Jakub Seidl will support data verification. References: [1] LIN, J., BAN, Y., 2013. Complex Network Topology of Transportation System, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. [2] HORÁK, J., University of Mining - Technical University of Ostrava, Department of Geoinformatics, 2019. Spatial data analysis. [3] CHERVEN, KEN. Network graph analysis and visualization with Gephi: visualize and analyze your data swiftly using dynamic network graphs built with Gephi. 2013, ISBN: 1783280131 [4] DENG, YILING. 2021. "Application of Machine Learning with a Surrogate Model to Explore Seniors' Daily Activity Patterns". Transportation Letters. [5] WEBBER, S. C., M. M. PORTER, and V. H. MENEC. 2010. "Mobility in Older Adults: A Comprehensive Framework". The Gerontologist 50 (4): 443–50. Schedule March: • Selection of sites of interest • Selection of a suitable data set, profit and data purchase • Literature search • Preparation of test samples April June: • SW testing, comparison • Data preprocessing • Pilot results • Preparation of a paper at an international conference July August: • Evaluation of tested samples • Study of mobility of seniors • Barrier-free modeling methods • Presentation at an international conference • Evaluation of target sites September October: • Evaluation of modeling • Preparation of publications • Presentation of application usability November December: • Publishing activities, presentation of results, completion of the project Gantt chart: Budget Requirement: 250,000 Scholarships: 84,000 Responsible researcher of the project: 3000 CZK / month Other researchers: Ing. Katarína Paulíková 2000 CZK / month as main co-researcher, others 1000 CZK / month Material costs: 10,000 - Purchase of consumables (paper, toners) and office supplies DHaNM: 30,000 - Purchase of PC components (especially data storage and memory necessary due to the complexity of calculations) Services: 45,000 - Purchase of data (timetables with accessibility), Purchase of software for structural modeling and machine learning, specific data transformations (JDF-> GTFS), conference entry Travel costs: 31,000 - ICSUMPT 2022: 16th International Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility and Public Transport Conference: VŠB-TUO: 15,000 - costs for the organization of the student scientific conference Gisáček 2022 (gaining an overview of various forms of use of machine learning and experience with them, feedback on the presented project methodology at the national level) Directed by: 25,000 Historical influence on previous projects Ing. Ondřej Kolodziej Title: Population motion detection using very high resolution images Year: 2021 Funds: CZK 335,000 Outputs: GOLEJ, P. ORLIKOVA, L. HORAK, J. LINHARTOVA, P. STRUHAR, J. Detection of people and vehicles using very high-resolution satellite images, 21. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying, Geology and Mining, Ecology and Management, 2021 - No Indexing GOLEJ, P. HORAK, J. Comparison of vehicles detection using very high-resolution satellite images, GIS Ostrava 2022 - Earth Observation for Smart City and Smart Region - Neproběhla Indexace Ing. Katarína Paulíková Title: Research of secondary mineralization and its influence on mine water chemistry Year: 2020 Funding: 630,000 Title: Analysis of the use of energy potential of mine waters for central heat supply Year: 2021 Funding: 450,000 Title: Classification of tree species using hyperspectral data obtained from unmanned aerial vehicles Year: 2021 Funding: 335,000
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Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy
Specifický výzkum VŠB-TUO