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Main Investigator: the University of Science and Technology

Partners: ALGAJAS, s.r.o., University of Maribor

Associated partners:

  • Institute of Environmental Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
  • Silesian University of Technology (Poland)
  • ZEOS Ltd., (Slovenia)

Implementation period: 1.9.2024-31.8.2025

Project title: Biotechnological Innovations for Sustainable Flat Panel Displays Recycling

Number and acronym: DRP0401069 - BioPrep

Support: INTERREG Danube Region Programme

Total cost for the duration of the project: 61.460,-EUR


The BioPrep project offers a new approach to recycling waste flat panel displays (FPDs), which contain valuable metals such as indium, germanium and gallium. This waste from smartphones and tablets (LCD, LED, OLED, QLED) is increasing rapidly. BioPrep is focused on introducing sustainable biotechnology practices into the recycling process and developing low-carbon technology using microbial biotechnology. The aim is to show that green biotechnology is affordable and easy to implement. In addition to the scientific objectives, the project has educational and societal objectives and promotes education on sustainable recycling and biotechnology in the Danube regions such as Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovenia.

You can find out more about the project on its website which is continuously updated.

Photo from the first joint meeting

kick-off 2