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The history of the department dates to 1879, when the Department of Economic Geology was established on 8th September at the Mining Academy in Příbram based on the imperial decree. Prof. František Pošepný stood at its birth. In 1951, the Department of Geology and Mineralogy was divided into the Department of Geology, Paleontology and Deposits and the Department of Mineralogy and Petrography within the Faculty of Mining. A new development occurred in 1954, when the Department of Geology and Paleontology and the Department of Mineralogy, Petrography and Mineral Deposits were founded at the Faculty of Geology at that time. In 1955, a new Department of Commercial Mineral Deposits was set aside. As part of the transformation of the faculty in 1994, the Institute of Geological Engineering was established by merging the following departments: Geology and Mineralogy, Applied Geology and Economic Geology. In 2018, the Institute was renamed to the Department of Geological Engineering.

Since 1997, the department has been teaching new branch - the Geoscience and Industrial Tourism in the bachelor’s degree. The branch was created as a reaction to changes in mining, when a rapid decline in mining appeared, in particular underground mining, and there was a space for re-use of mine workings to create mining open-air museums. The wide range of geosciences is based on a long tradition of interconnection of basic sciences with technical application in mining and industrial practice.

The "Petroleum Engineering" study program is a complex study program that includes a number of disciplines such as geology, chemistry, physics, mechanics, mechanical engineering, material engineering, IT technology, also including good language skills (primary English).
The aim of the study is to educate a qualified expert in the field of reservoir and exploitation engineering, respectively an expert for working on a drilling rig (for drilling of deep wells with heavy drilling rigs or workover...
