Přeskočit na hlavní obsah
Přeskočit hlavičku


Instructions   to   authors   of   abstracts:

Prepare,   please   extended   abstracts in English. The page limit  is 2 pages including tables  or pictures, doc or rtf text  format, MS Word, 11font size, 1,5line spacing. Before submitting ensure yourself  that  your tables (xls) and pictures (cdr,  tif, jpg) in  final  scale  still  readable, with  respect  to  font  size  etc.  Avoid  unnecessary  use  of  colors  and  grayscale  in  your  charts. Submitt  your  texts  with  indicated  placement  of  tables/figures  together  with  separate  table and  figure  files  by  email  to until May 15th,2023.  

Abstracts  received after this  deadline may  not  be  accepted  with  respect to  typesetting  and printing deadlines




 Author(s) /Surname, Name:


 Text (max 1 800 characters, including spaces):

 Literature (max 6 citation)

 Figures, tables: jpg, tiff, pdf, docx, (max one figure and one table – max 900 characters)